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Fletcher Joyce
Dearest condolescences to the family and may God .Joy was an outstanding example and role model. We loved her dearestly. RIP
Apostle Brenda Pratt
To a lovely lady of class, commitment and courage. You were my sister, one who encouraged me and most of all a friend.
Bahamaian Connection
Just hold the fort for me and and keep the heavenly choir cranked up for that great coronation!!
Bahamian Connection
Sleep on Joy we will meet around the throne of God. You just went ahead of head of me but you can't crown HIM til i reach RIP
margarita wilson
Joy U are now in a place where Job says There the wicked cease from troubling; and there the weary be at rest. take ur rest Sis.
margarita wilson
Joy was One in a Million I will always remember her sound counsel and her encouragement to keep my kids covered Love U...R.I.P.
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